Hiring a sleep consultant: What you need to know

There are many things to consider before hiring a sleep consultant. Like any service in life, you want to be sure you actually need a professional. And while you might fancy a little DIY in other areas of your life, sleep is not something you want to get experimental with. So, when is it possible to tackle baby and toddler sleep problems alone and when should you call in a professional? Sometimes it takes an outsider’s perspective to help you decide when is the right time, where to start, and which method is best. And that’s where a qualified sleep consultant, like me, can help. I know some people have a lot of questions about my program and I welcome the opportunity to answer them, because:
1. I’m a big question-asker myself, so I can relate to the need to ask lots of questions!
2. I like how surprised people get when I’m honest with them and tell them that my program isn’t right for them at that particular time. I am always upfront and honest.
3. I’ve noticed that the parents who ask a lot of questions usually do better when working with me. My theory is that by digging deeper and asking more, they are often better prepared and ‘all in’ when it comes to improving their baby’s sleep.
So, if you’re struggling with your baby’s sleep, and you’ve got a few questions about my approach, then this information is for you…. Let’s jump straight in!
FAQ’s “I’ve worked with a sleep consultant before and have been disappointed….why are you any different?”
I get it. I’m a sceptic, too. There are so many sleep consultants and online sleep programs, and it can be very hard to understand exactly how they work. Many consultants have no medical background, and some have very little experience. Many offer what I call ‘a one size fits all’ approach. I offer the opposite of that. To me there is no ‘one size fits all’ in any of my teaching. Every baby is unique, with their own temperament, just as every family is different. Trying to impose the same sort of technique and approach on every baby in exactly the same way never works. I love that your family will have its own dynamic and rhythm, and you, as parents, will have your own parenting style. I work hard to really understand these nuances and your baby’s temperament when we come up with a plan to improve your baby’s sleep…this is where the magic happens! I’m truly sorry if you’ve had a less than great experience with another consultant, but rest assured I’m someone who cares deeply about the families I work with and I am passionate about dramatically improving your baby’s sleep. Sleep programs can be hard to implement as they tend to offer a one size fits all approach. You may have found it hard to implement for YOUR baby and confusing to navigate and troubleshoot when things went off course. I’II hold your hand the whole way through. I offer a tailored, personalised approach which is unique to YOUR baby and your situation. This is what achieves fantastic results. Or are you a mum thinking…..
“I’ve tried so many things. I think my baby is different and is just not fixable. I’ve come to accept that my baby is just never going to be a great sleeper”
You, lovely mama, are my favourite mum to work with! A huge percentage of my clients have had a sleepless journey for many months. Sound familiar? After trying so many things have you come to believe that you have the baby that is just not fixable. You feel hopeless, deflated and are so tired you may have given up… I love teaching, showing and helping you to steer your baby to great sleep. The transformation is always amazing! You’ll see that you don’t have an impossible baby and that there IS light at the end of the tunnel. You’ll literally be over the moon! #BestJobEVER Perhaps your thinking this….
“I’ve heard that sleep consultants just use CIO (cry it out). I wouldn’t feel comfortable with that”.
I get it. I wouldn’t feel comfortable with that either. Whilst there are often tears of protest and struggle when your baby is learning a new skill, you can be right by them supporting them through this. Luckily there are many gentle ways to support your baby whilst they learn to sleep. And remember that I don’t believe in a one size fits all approach. I work with your parenting style and your baby’s temperament to achieve change. You would never be asked to do anything that you are not comfortable with. I only use age-appropriate techniques, which are temperament-suitable.
“I’ve been ready to get some help for a while but my husband/partner is not so sure”
Hmmm. I do hear this a bit. Who is the parent doing the round-the-clock feeding? Who is home all day, trying their very best for their baby but feeling like they cannot go on like this anymore? If it’s you, then trying to sustain this for months to come is impossible. Something will give, and sadly it’s often your mental health, your baby’s ability to thrive or the quality of your relationships. Having a confident, happy and well slept partner is one of the biggest assets to the emotional well being of a family. Everyone benefits!
“Can you tell me exactly what I get when I work with you?” Sure. First we book in a time for your initial consultation. This is done either over the phone, or Skype/Facetime and takes approximately one hour. Prior to our call I will e-mail you an intake form where I ask more detailed questions about your current situation with your baby’s overnight sleep, naps and feeding. This gives me a good opportunity to comprehensively assess your current problems and to plan how I will help you overcome them. During our consultation I will give you a thorough assessment of the crux of the problem. I outline all the pieces of the puzzle that we need to amend and then I break it down for you into small, achievable steps. Then we get to work! Over the next 10 days we will talk on the phone as much as is needed to steer your baby to sleep success. Many sleep consultants don’t offer follow up support, but I find that this is where all the transformation and learning happens. Having someone know your situation so well and then tell you how to tweak and change it, is invaluable. My aim is always for your baby to be getting the age-appropriate, biological sleep that they need. To be having great restorative overnight sleep and sound and predictable naps.
Or are you thinking….
“I’m unsure about the cost of the program”
Parents who work with me do make a financial investment for my program. An investment financially means they are ‘all in’ and ready for change. I give my clients incredible value and an enormous amount of one-on-one hand holding to coach their babies to sleep success. If your baby’s sleep is chaotic, and you're out of answers, what is the cost of NOT doing anything? Yup, more sleepless nights, an overtired and cranky baby who won’t miraculously grow out of it, a very strained relationship with your partner and no end in sight of it ever getting better….. Let me fix your difficult situation immediately so we can unlock a happy, well rested, confident mum and a happy, well rested thriving baby.
“How do I know it this program is right for me?”
You’re a good fit for my program if you can check off at least 4 of the following;
1.You’ve actively tried to change things to improve your baby’s sleep but would feel a lot better if you knew the actions you were taking were PROVEN to work and weren’t just leaking energy and your personal resources with no payoff.
2.You’re tired and finding parenting a challenge. You may have experienced times when you are really not enjoying motherhood or even resenting parenting (totally understandable) because you are so tired.
3.You acknowledge that for something to change and improvements to be made you need to do things differently.
4.You want to learn strategies to get your baby to sleep really well overnight. You want to understand about age-appropriate feeds and feed timings and establish a great napping routine.
5. You care about a common sense, no gimmicks approach to helping your baby to sleep. You’re tired of the hundreds of opinions all over the internet that are just that: opinions. You want strategies that generate big results not just a few tips that change nothing. You’re ready to cut through the fluff, ditch the ‘trial and error approach, and skip straight to what works.
6. You have no time in your day to plan anything. Like none. Because you never know when your baby is going to nap. And even if they do, you don’t know how long that nap will even last (sound familiar?).
7. You are sick of the unpredictable days and the erratic overnight sleep. And my goodness you are TIRED. You often feel frayed around the edges and snappy with your partner. Your personal tank is running on empty and your ready to get your mum mojo back!
8. You know that a happy, well-rested mother benefits everyone in the family. You would love some time back in the evenings to spend with your spouse or partner. You’d love to know that going to bed means you are going to get a great night’s sleep, instead of being anxious about how many times you will have to get up during the night.
If you can check off at least 6 of those 8 traits, you owe it to yourself, your baby and family to sort out that sleep.
And I can help you!
If, after reading this, you still have reservations or questions about my services, please just pop them in the comments section below, or send me a DM. And if you’re ready to create change now, then let’s get started. Book in your free phone consultation with me today by jumping on my website. Let’s get you and your bubba more sleep!
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