Michaela and Sophie 9.5 months

One evening we were sitting down eating tea as a family my Husband, myself and our 9.5 month old daughter.... This evening was different. We had the tv on which is very rare for us. I wanted the news on just to see what was going on in the world besides my own little world. A segment came on I heard them mention words like baby’s, sleep, sleep deprivation, sleeping through, parents, experts. I said to my husband quick turn it up and we watched the segment. I didn’t catch the name of the business so I asked my husband - thankfully he heard it..... Baby Sleep Expert. So that night we were googling, I was desperate this night for sleep. Who am I kidding I was desperate for sleep everyday and every night since our daughter was born. We felt we had tried everything and no success ! What did I have to loose at contacting Baby Sleep expert I was already sleep deprived. - My biggest worry’s were we live 6 hours away from Emma how can she help me from that far away!? - Spending money on something I didn’t know if it would work or not!? There are so many conflicting things on google, like how your baby “should” be sleeping through from 6 months. There are so many sleeping aids and sleep experts out there claiming to have the key to sleep. You hear so many stories from people and it all gets so conflicting and confusing, you go round and round in circles. I contacted Emma - the best thing we have ever done for our family’s lifestyle and sleep. We had all the pieces to the puzzle just needed Emma to help us put it all together. And she did !! I now have time in the evening with my husband to catch up on our days. I thank Emma so much for the happy lifestyle we have now as a family and most importantly sleep!! - Michaela
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